Anne Waldman
Matriot Acts

a bayonet in a tattoo in the shape of a skull-at-arms

this was what we were up against

as girls stood up for their dream in the way of life

the fair sex will retaliate

the dark sex will retaliate

a fair break, justice in love?

what it takes: to break a stupor

what it takes: a new metabolic modus

what will it take: an antithetical hallucination?

new narrations, tensions, take back: stoned for adultery

all actions reversed in masculine time

horoscopes read & remarked upon

what is in my stars today? what planets rule?

take back the romance to die in war

saw “the camps”

saw the horror

go to a place now that engenders reverie

mythical anti-fascist space & be a mutable form,

a shape-shifter

be that little girl with her tiny instruments

who investigates the maginifcent cosmos

be next to her as she works overtime in the scriptorium

Found In Volume 38, No. 04
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  • annewaldman
Anne Waldman
About the Author

Anne Waldman has been an active member of the “Outrider” experimental poetry community for over forty years as a writer, professor, and political activist. She has published over forty volumes of poetry, the most recent of which isManatee/Humanity(Penguin, 2009).