About The American Poetry Review



The American Poetry Review is dedicated to reaching a worldwide audience with a diverse array of the best contemporary poetry and literary prose. APR also aims to expand the audience interested in poetry and literature, and to provide authors, especially poets, with a far-reaching forum in which to present their work.


The American Poetry Review has been in continuous publication since 1972 and has presented the work of over 6,000 writers.



Elizabeth Scanlon, Editor in Chief                 escanlon@aprweb.org


Mike Duffy, Business Manager                        duffym@aprweb.org


Our Board 


Margot Berg 

Dana Bilsky Asher 

Major Jackson

Jonathan Katz, Chair  

Eileen Neff 

Ethel Rackin

Elizabeth Scanlon

Ava Seave

Nicole Steinberg 

Peter Waldor 



Submission Guidelines

The American Poetry Review publishes original poetry, translations, literary criticism, interviews, and essays. 


You may submit online or send your manuscript to:


The American Poetry Review

1906 Rittenhouse Square 

3rd Floor 

Philadelphia, PA 19103


Please do not send previously published material.

  • If you mail a submission, it must be accompanied by a self-addressed stamped envelope for our reply. No reply will be made to unaccepted manuscripts that are not accompanied by a SASE.  
  • Our response time is approximately six months. Please do not inquire about the status of your submission unless more than six months have passed. Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but please inform us if your work has been accepted elsewhere. 
  • Copyright: APR holds first serial rights for material that we publish. The copyright automatically reverts to the author upon publication. We do not require that material be copyrighted prior to submission.

2024  Print Advertising Schedule & Rates

Circulation: 3,000-5,000
Frequency: Bimonthly
Type: Newsprint tabloid
Trim size: 10.5 x 14.5 inches
Format: Two or three columns per page. Random placement.

Mechanical requirements:

PDF files preferred.  TIFF or JPEG files are acceptable but reproduce at slightly lower quality.


Fonts:  OpenType or Type 1 fonts preferred. TrueType fonts require conversion for display.  


Stray Marks:  Please remove crop marks and ID slugs from the file.  The file should consist of the ad only.


Color ads must be CMYK.  RGB color is not acceptable.  Other ads must be grayscale (black and white).  Grayscale ads should have no hidden color.


Photographs and artwork should have minimum resolution of 300 dpi.


Delivery:  Send the file to Mike Duffy at duffym@aprweb.org as an email attachment.


Contact: Mike Duffy,  Tel: 215-309-3722; E-mail: duffym@aprweb.org


Rates: (Any size ad can be in color for an additional charge of $200.)


Space                                     Price                                               

Width x Depth

Full page

$950 (Black & White)

$1,150 (Color)

9-1/2” x 13”
2/3 page $720 6-1/4” x 13”
Junior page $575 6-1/4” x 9-1/2”
1/2 page vert. $575 4-1/2” x 13”
1/2 page horiz. $575 9-1/2” x 6-1/4”
1/3 page tall $440 4-1/2” x 9-1/2”
1/3 page sq. $440 6-1/4” x 6-1/4”
1/3 page horiz. $440 9-1/2” x 4”
1/4 page $310 4-1/2” x 6-1/4”
1/4 page horiz $310 9-1/2” x 3”
1/4 page landscape $310 6-1/4" x 4-1/2"
1/6 page $220 4-1/2” x 4”
1/6 page wide $220 6-1/4” x 3”
1/8 page $175 4-1/2” x 3”
Full column $400 3” x 13”
3/4 column $310 3” x 9-1/2”
2/3 column $285 3” x 8-1/2”
1/2 column $220 3” x 6-1/4”
1/3 column $165 3” x 4”
1/4 column $130 3” x 3”
1/6 column $88 3” x 2”
1/8 column $68 3” x 1-1/2”

One inch



3” x 1”



Payment: Payment is due in full within 30 days of publication. Advertisers outside the U.S.A. must pay in advance. We accept VISA, MasterCard and American Express cards.

We offer a 5% of net discount for advance payment.


Frequency discounts: Advertisers who place two or more ads of a similar size in a contract year earn discounts as follows: Two ads = 5%. Three ads = 7-1/2%. Four ads = 10%. Five ads = 15%. Six or more ads = 20%. A contract year is defined as six consecutive issues. Ads may be combined in a single issue. (If ads are of different sizes, the discount will be calculated using the price of the least expensive ad.)


Cash discounts: 5% for advance payment, i.e. payment received with ad copy or by the copy due date. 


Commissions: Recognized advertising agencies receive 15% of the net space price.


Cancellations: Let us know immediately if you need to cancel your ad. (Tel: 215-309-3722; Email: duffym@aprweb.org)


Ad content: The American Poetry Review reserves the right to reject advertising or request changes in content if the advertising does not conform to the standards of The American Poetry Review.


Issue On Sale Reserve By Ads Due By
Jul/Aug 2024      July 1, 2024      June 3, 2024      June 7, 2024
Sep/Oct 2024      Sept 1, 2024        July 29, 2024        August 2, 2024   
Nov/Dec 2024       Nov 1, 2024     September 30, 2024     October 4, 2024  
Jan/Feb 2025      Jan 1, 2025     November 25, 2024       November 29, 2024
Mar/Apr 2025    March 1, 2025     January 27, 2025     January 31, 2025
May/June 2025       May 1, 2025     March 31, 2025     April 4, 2025