Sebastian Matthews
Eddie Locke's Drum Solo on "Caravan," Alive! at the Village Gate
                   for Alexander Long 
There's a point somewhere in the middle 
of the desert of Locke's drum solo, 
say four minutes in, when you realize
you've not only lost track of the melody
but could care less about melody, all song 
for that matter, fuck it, that for a while 
you have been inhabiting a lengthy sonic lecture 
on history -- beginning with the original 
Malian rhythms and sticking his way on up
past big band propulsion: looping back
in long loping lines, jump rope skips and large 
playground swings through time -- Dali's warped clocks 
and the suspended-water cat -- holding back 
the All-Star band from its last round of solos,
moving way past decorum, playfully expanding 
the repertoire of moves and touches as a way
to say I can play it all, baby, and watch me do it.  
Found In Volume 38, No. 03
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  • sebastian matthews
Sebastian Matthews
About the Author

Sebastian Matthews is the author of the memoir In My Father’s Footsteps (W.W. Norton & Co.) as well as two collections of poetry, We Generous and Miracle Day, both published by Red Hen Press. A third collection, Beginner’s Guide to a Head-on Collision, came out from Red Hen Press in 2017. Along with Stanley Plumly, Matthews is the co-editor of three volumes: The Poetry Blues: Essays and Interviews of William Matthews (University of Michigan Press), Search Party: The Collected Poems of William Matthews (Houghton Mifflin), a runner-up for the Pulitzer Prize, and New Hope for the Dead: Uncollected Matthews (Red Hen Press).