Darius Simpson
Instead of Raising Wages the Gov't

raised the roof clean off an entire Black section of the city

inflated gas prices to the size of a senator’s helium ego

built an unstable bridge made of worn hundred dollar bills

over the atlantic to make a plantation(democracy) of new territory

sent a blank check to a settler colony and said make a wish

sent a fleet of drones to a peaceful town and said i wish you would

sent donation emails to people who struggled to pay rent this month

disappeared into a secret castle the day after the polls closed

spun a fairytale about civic duty to euthanize the masses

printed accidentally honest election stickers that said vote and die

told protesters the best way to resist was to play a part in the circus

i say we deserve better and my peers call me an extremist

gov’t says we gotta kill entire villages and my peers call it sacrifice

or worse my peers change the channel or worse my peers bat

barely an eye and forgive the last genocide for the sake of peace

if we don’t get tired of writing beautiful poems after catastrophes

i fear soon the ink will run red and the rivers dry and the words out

Found In Volume 53, No. 03
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  • darisu simpson
Darius Simpson
About the Author

Darius Simpson is from Akron, Ohio. He was a recipient of the 2020 Ruth Lilly and Dorothy Sargent Rosenberg Poetry Fellowship.  Currently he lives in Oakland, CA where, as a Teaching Artist, he partners with organizations to facilitate writing and performance workshops throughout the Bay Area.