Leah Umansky


after Stephanie Burt and Poetry Unbound


It’s Friday night, dusk, and I bring myself to The Hudson

to breathe. I listen to a poem that is part-prayer: someone

will probably love you; and I watch the clouds sweep over the moon;

the poem sweeps into fact, then promise, and here is where I slide

into its sweep: I walk along the river’s lull, watching the moon

iridesce and when it pulls through, I stop along the path, in star

and in startle, noting the pull of my heart, as I catch the eye

of a stranger in the night, and feel that promise pull tight

around me, within me, thinking, there are ways to re-love something

and I replay the poem, then I replay the poem of my life, the story

I tell myself, but this time, a little differently. My whole life I’ve wanted

rapture, rupture, this and that, but the story is I am more than my want;

I am the moon, full with light, in song and in sight, with its knowing,

its knowing, that time is just time; it is just time; it is just time.


Found In Volume 53, No. 04
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  • umansky
Leah Umansky
About the Author
Leah Umansky is the author of three collections, most recently, OF TYRANT, Word Works Books 2024. She earned her MFA in Poetry at Sarah Lawrence College and has curated and hosted The COUPLET Reading Series in NYC since 2011. Her creative work has been featured in, PBS The New York Times The Academy of American Poets’ Poem-A Day, USA Today, and POETRY.