No one is proud of a drug addiction
or a son with addiction or a cousin
who stops calling his mother no one
is proud of an accident no one is proud
their grandmother was mean like a dog
a secret smoker no one spends Saturdays
talking about house painting how they
would have made it pro at house painting
if they could have figured out school
and going to class more times than not
no one is proud as they get hooked on pain
killers wrapping car after car around the same tree
no one I know goes to church and believes
much but it’s nice to see everyone no one likes
when they can’t find a job and spend hours
surfing the internet for what might take them
away a little feel a certain way or feel anything
at all even anger no one likes anger
no one likes losing it at their kids throwing
their kid’s toys left on the G D Ground again
no one likes slamming doors broken doorjambs
leaving the television on for hours
passing in and out of sleep watching the game
and what kind of game is it anyways the warm
hours fading when someone comes home
in a tone already already already at it again
I don’t want to hear it have already heard it
enough anyway let’s have it out have the fight
no one wants to have my parents were throwers
they didn’t brag when the doors slammed shut
and someone turned again needing
to make clear what they said which was always
I’m scared I’m so scared I’m so very
scared we might not make it.