Kimiko Hahn
[The ocean in]

a golden shovel after Richard Wright


We went to see hoodoos, arches, and the

mesas in what was once ocean

and now metamorphosed to red in

the middle of our continent. Yes, last June

I saw the latest formations while inhaling

the parched climate of erosion and

seams of aquatic fossils then exhaling

waters back into the air. But

I have faith in fossils unlike those who never

believe sediment. Rocks are the ones speaking.





Found In Volume 53, No. 03
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  • kimiko hahn
Kimiko Hahn
About the Author

Kimiko Hahn is the author of ten collections of poetry, most recently Foreign Bodies (W.W. Norton, 2020).  Hahn teaches in the MFA Program in Creative Writing & Literary Translation at Queens College, City University of New York.