Doreen Gildroy
Uncreated Light

Yours was the death, yours was the dying.


I found you in

the pauper’s field


and something sang through me

(if there

ever was a song)—

which I could

speak to myself, very quietly,

and move along.


Oh in my heart,

do you not think I am a part of this?


Bless the failure, bless the flame,

bless my fruitless attempt,

the shame.


And what do I do with this love,

that sticks like pitch to my heart—and will never

let me go.


Why I am standing in your image.

Do not try to change it—

to turn it into something

joyous and free—

you are here—you are gone—


uncreated light.

Found In Volume 40, No. 04
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  • doreengildroy
Doreen Gildroy
About the Author

Doreen Gildroy’s first book, The Little Field of Self (University of Chicago Press, 2002), won the John C. Zacharis First Book Award from Ploughshares. Her second book, Human Love, was published by the University of Chicago Press in 2005.