Carolina Ebeid
What Hereafter's Like


what day drinking’s like, like the sensation

of swimming without goggles in cold

water chlorine burn holding hands, what

listening through a stethoscope is like, oh

glowing second trimester—la luna é più bella

what startling awaking in the middle-

of-day to the middle-of-nowhere is like

what looking up at Mt. Rushmore is like

what touching an enemy’s face is like


what it was like to play a flute that was 

carved from an ulna found in a bird  

that formed part of an omen in flight (whose

entrails spoke further darker messages) 

in the extravagant petaling of night




Found In Volume 47, No. 02
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Carolina Ebeid
About the Author

 Carolina Ebeid is a the author of You Ask Me to Talk About the Interior (Noemi Press). She is a student in the PhD program in creative writing at the University of Denver. She has won fellowships from CantoMundo, the Stadler Center for Poetry, and the NEA. Recent work appears or is forthcoming in The Rumpus, PEN America, and jubilat .  She helps edit the Denver Quarterly.